
Comment from Connor Tabarrok: Good post! It led me to question, how can we as writers and intellectuals be more transparent in the array of sources we integrate into our own perspectives? For instance, is there an easy way to measure how diverse the building blocks of someone's wordview are? Maybe you could measure the degree to which papers cited cite each other, and rate those as either friendly or antagonistic citations, and that would give you a pretty good idea of how one sided or multi-faceted someone's analysis is. Hard to do without a single citation system though. Maybe this presents an opportunity to add value?

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Comment from Luke Lea: Hi Tiger, Good to see you diversifying like you describe. I recommend Steve Sailer's blog, which specializes in important political and social issues arising out of often suppressed realities of human biodiversity. His is 20 year old full-time blog financed entirely by voluntary contributions from his many readers. If there is another blogger who makes his living that way I haven't heard about him or her (not counting the new substack phenomenon).

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